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The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance Pdf

ISBN: 0983490716
Title: The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance Pdf
Author: Jeff Volek
Published Date: 2012
Page: 162

Jeff Volek is a dietitian-scientist who has spent 15 years studying diet and exercise effects on health and performance. He has held an academic position at Ball State University and is currently an associate professor at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Volek has contributed to 3 books, 2 patents, and over 200 papers. He received his dietetic training at Michigan State University and Penrose St Francis Hospital and his PhD in Exercise Physiology from Penn State University. Steve Phinney is a physician-scientist who has spent 35 years studying diet, exercise, fatty acids, and inflammation. He has held academic positions at the Universities of Vermont, Minnesota, and California at Davis, as well as leadership positions at Monsanto, Galileo Laboratories, and Efficas. Dr. Phinney has published over 70 papers and several patents. He received his MD from Stanford University, his PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from MIT, and post-doctoral training at the University of Vermont and Harvard.

A Revolutionary Program to Extend Your Physical and Mental Performance Envelope.

Our recent book 'The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living' was written for health care professionals, championing the benefits of carbohydrate restriction to manage insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type-2 diabetes.

In response, our athlete friends asked "What about us?"

This companion book is our answer, and it could be titled: 'The Art and Science of Avoiding the BONK'.

But actually, it is much much more than that. The keto-adapted athlete benefits from superior fuel flow not only when nearing glycogen depletion, but also during training, recovery, and in response to resistance exercise as well.

"On a well designed ketogenic diet as recommended by Jeff and Steve, I consume up to 4200 Calories per day while maintaining 6-7% body fat. This transformation has increased my power to mass ratio and allows a high level of performance in a range of activities. Equally if not more important is the efficiency with which I operate in every facet of my life. My energy level in the keto-adapted state is constant and nver undulates." Tony Ricci, MS, CSCS, LDN, CISSN, CNS. High Performance Coach/Sports Nutritionist

Detailed, highly informative book. This diet changed my life. This is a really helpful book for anyone who wants to truly understand the science behind a ketogenic diet. Dr.s Volek and Phinney are very clear and explain in detail a lot of the nitty-gritty biology that many of the other books skim over. This book has really helped me feel like I can make an informed decision about my diet, rather than blindly following whatever the author says just because they say it will help me lose weight.I am not a high performance athlete, by any means, and though this book is geared toward athletes, it has a lot of valuable information that can be applied even if your idea of a "marathon" is a 20 minute jog - or just getting up in the morning! I found out as I read this book, that the same authors have another offering: "The art and science of low carbohydrate living" which might have been a better starting point. I plan to read that one next.The book does occasionally feel like it presumes a background in biology or human anatomy, which had me running to google a few times, but personally, I would much prefer a challenging read than some fluff that doesn't contain a lot of information. While the scientific detail might be a bit boring for those with less of a thirst for knowledge (AKA, non-nerds) I personally really appreciated the attention to detail and willingness to delve into the nitty gritty.I will also say, on behalf of the diet, that it has had an incredible impact on my life. I have suffered with chronic fatigue and pain since I was a teenager, I was exhausted and achy all the time and was barely able to keep up with basic day-to-day activities. After so long being sick, I had given up hope of improving, and had merely learned to accept that I'd never be able to function as well as a "normal" person. About two months ago I decided to try a low-carb diet. I didn't expect any medical miracles, I just wanted to get in shape for bikini season. The first two weeks were horrible. I could barely move and just floundered around the house all day. After that though, I suddenly had more energy than I have in years. I am able to function while only sleeping 7-8 hours a night (before I needed 10 or so!), I actually enjoy exercising because it doesn't feel like my heart is going to explode, and I can actually do things without crashing for hours after. I finally have my life back and it's completely amazing.I can't say that everyone will have the same experience, of course, maybe some of you will just lose a few pounds, or for others, it won't help at all, but it's absolutely worth a shot!The final pieces of the Low-Carb jigsaw This is not an completely unbiased review. Having "caught" a bad case of Type 2 diabetes a year ago I quickly discovered Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars and followed his (still somewhat controversial) ketogenic diet plan, and began to devour as much information as possible on low-carb diets. Although I found inspiration from many places (including Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (Vintage), and Dr Feinman's blog), the more I read, the more I came across Phinney and Volek.Their companion volume The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable gave me the best possible practical guide and scientific justifcation for pursuing a low-carb lifestyle, and gave me the confidence to reduce my HbA1c from 10.2% to 4.5% (a properly non-diabetic number).However, as a keen runner training for a half-marathon, I had still had significant concerns about attempting endurance events without resorting to carbohydrate fuelling that would disrupt my ketosis and aggravate my diabetes. Despite many hours trawling the internet I couldn't find much quality advice on ketosis and athletic perfomance, and had many questions relating to "liver-dumping" and the necessity for pre and post exercise fuelling. This book answered every question and I devoured it in a single sitting.After adopting their advice (as predicted) I ran two of the worst 5k races of my life, followed by rapid improvements week by week, which eventually led to me knocking almost 2 minutes off my 5k PB. I can't wait to run my first carb-free half marathon later this year.It's too easy to say that a book changed your life, but in this case both the "Art and Science Books" have fundamentally impacted my health and my athletic performance.Very highly recommended.

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Tags: 0983490716 pdf,The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance pdf,Jeff S. Volek, Stephen D. Phinney,The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance,Beyond Obesity LLC,0983490716,HEALTH & FITNESS / Diet & Nutrition / Nutrition

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