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Screenwise Free Pdf

ISBN: 1629561452
Title: Screenwise Pdf Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World
Author: Devorah Heitner
Published Date: 2016-09-06
Page: 240

Acknowledging the impossibility of fully sheltering children from the world of digital media, Heitner provides guidance for parents navigating this ever-changing landscape. She covers common concerns about children of different ages, from preschool to young adult, and even looks at how the digital world influences adults. She pairs examples from what she has found working with families in her consulting firm with research in the field, such as into the ways kids use social media. This book provides useful advice for the parents of children of all ages and will serve well as a guide to help the different generations communicate, in person or online. (Publisher's Weekly)"Screenwise is a comprehensive exploration of a timely and important topic studded with practical tips for parents."--Wendy Mogel, PhD, clinical psychologist,  New York Times best-sellingauthor of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee

Screenwise offers an encouraging perspective on how to thoughtfully guide kids
in the digital age. Many parents and educators worry that kids are addicted, detached, or distracted because of their digital devices. Digital Citizenship expert Devorah Heitner, however, believes that technology offers huge potential to our children--if parents help them. 

Screenwise helps parents recognize that the social wisdom they have gained throughout their lives is a relevant and urgently needed supplement to their kid's digital savvy. These skills can help set kids up for a lifetime of success in a world fueled by technology.

The core message of the book is that kids need mentoring, not (just) monitoring, and that kids deserve more empathy from adults about growing up in the digital age. Texting, gaming and social media are social spaces requiring social skills. The book offers advice on helping kids navigate friendship and identity issues that are common among new texters, gamers and social media users.

Screenwise is a guide to understanding what it is like for children to grow up with
technology, and to recognizing the special challenges--and advantages--that contemporary kids and teens experience thanks to this level of connection. Children's school experiences, family life and friendships are all shaped by digital connection. Educators and school leaders looking to engage parents around educational technology and wishing to create a culture of digital citizenship will benefit from this volume. Screenwise helps parents and educators move beyond discussions of "screentime" to evaluate different kinds of engagement with technology.

Screenwise presents practical parenting "hacks": quick ideas that you can implement today that will help you understand and relate to your digital native. The book empowers parents to recognize ways that wisdom that they have gained throughout their lives is a relevant and urgently needed supplement to their kid's digital savvy.
Based on real-life stories from families, the latest research, and Dr. Heitner's experience working with schools, Screenwise teaches parents what they need to know in order to raise responsible and empathetic kids in the digital age.

Answering questions about screen time This has been so helpful! I've been having numerous conversations with my daughters about screen time and how they use it. It's true, it isn't just the amount of time they spend with screens, but why and how they're using the screens. Are there ways they can achieve the same thrill of independence without staring at the television or the computer monitor? Is there something about those screens that are sparking interest in other topics they might not otherwise be exposed to? It remains a struggle but this book helps to frame the arguments for and against screen time.Not only did I get some great, practical insights to use as a parent trying ... I've been highly recommending this book to other parents since I read it in the spring. Not only did I get some great, practical insights to use as a parent trying to mentor my kids to be wise in their screen use, but reading the book also entirely changed my negative view and approach to technology. I've been of the "unplugged is better" position for a long time, and I've felt guilty about how much time we're all on our screens. But after reading Screenwise, I know not to focus just on how much time were on our screens, but instead on what we're actually doing on the screens and whether or not the time spent is beneficial to us. Are we connecting, creating, or consuming? I'm still a huge believer in having regular, unplugged times (as is Heitner) but I now feel better about the time we are on our screens.If you are looking to be a "tech positive" parent who mentors your child in how to use screens positively, get this book!parents should strive to model the behaviors of a good Digital Citizen As a business professional providing parental control solutions to assist in limiting the use of internet connected devices, Devorah's theme "Mentor, don't just Monitor" is absolutely critical when raising Digital Natives.I'm also a parent and understand there is often a technology gap between current generations of parents and children. Many of us did not grow up surrounded by technology, and parents struggle with finding a proper balance between our kids digital and analog worlds. Screenwise helps bridge the gap and provides valuable insights of how to assess your own digital literacy and becoming a tech-positive parent. It reminds parents that while our kids may be tech savvy, our life experiences will bring wisdom into the equation. And, as a mentor, parents should strive to model the behaviors of a good Digital Citizen.So, there are apps which can "pause the internet" when it's dinner time, prevent texting while driving and even set "bedtimes" when our kids devices will disconnect from the internet. Whereas the apps can be helpful, they are merely tools intended to assist parents in setting boundaries while promoting safe and appropriate use behaviors. It must begin with a conversation between parent and child. Screenwise discusses how "Empathy is the App" and a path toward trust and open communication.It requires a community to help kids thrive (and survive) in their digital world, and Screenwise is a great resource for parents, teachers, school leaders and administrators...I highly recommend it!

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Tags: 1629561452 pdf,Screenwise pdf,Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World pdf,Devorah Heitner,Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World,Routledge,1629561452,Parenting - General,Advice on parenting,social media/ online safety,Computers & Technology,Computers / Social Aspects / General,children/social media,Education / Middle School,digital ciitizenship/ digital etiquette,Educational equipment & technology, sexting,Raising Digital Native,Parenting & The Digital Age,Family & Relationships / Parenting / General,screentime,digital footprint/ Reputation,kids/smartphones/cellphones,Media studies: Internet, digital media & society,Parenting - Technology,Parenting: advice & issues,cyberbullying,Psychology / Psychotherapy / Child & Adolescent,online gaming/video games,children/friendship,Social Science/Media Studies,Family & Relationships / Parenting / General,Parent Participation in Education,Popular Child Psychology,School-Age Children Parenting,Family & Relationships,Child Care/Parenting,Advice on parenting,Education & Teaching,parenting school age children,Parenting: advice & issues

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