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Medical Medium Free Pdf

ISBN: B077H868L9
Title: Medical Medium Pdf Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal

A New York Times best seller and international Amazon best seller

Anthony William, medical medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can't resolve. He's done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people's pain or illness, and what they need to do to restore their health. His methods achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. Now, in this revolutionary book, he opens the door to all he has learned over his 25 years of bringing people's lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won't discover for decades and most of which has never appeared anywhere before.

Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto's disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood-sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you've been given a diagnosis you don't understand, or you have symptoms you don't know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It's also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives.

"The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose - it all comes down to healing," Anthony William writes. "And the truth about healing is now in your hands."

Please be wary of Anthony William. I had a "reading" with Anthony in 2015 after years of dealing with a number of unexplained symptoms. I'm a very open-minded person and went into the reading hopeful and excited. I thought this man could tell me what was going on with me. The reading left me confused and frustrated. He spent a good portion of the call asking me about what I was feeling and my symptoms. This burned up a lot of the time. If he has an all-knowing Spirit whispering in his ear, wouldn't he be able to already know what I was experiencing? He then, of course, told me I had EBV. Shocker. We spent the next portion of the call going over the many supplements I'd have to take. At one point Anthony commented, "Good thing you came to me! I'm sure you would have ended up at a Lyme doctor next!" I guess Spirit didn't tell him that I had already been to a Lyme doctor and went down that path for quite awhile (I didn't end up having Lyme though). He then proceeded to tell me how awesome I am, over and over. While I always appreciate a nice compliment, this was not what I wanted to be talking about during this very expensive call. I kept trying to steer the conversation back to my issues and he kept saying that everything was going to be okay and that I am such a cool, funny person. It seemed like he was deliberately trying to avoid answering any specific questions and burn time. I was left feeling confused and put off. I consider myself a very intuitive person and something was really off about all this. However, I was desperate, so I decided to go all in with his recommendations. I spent the next two years diligently following his diet protocol (to the "T" I might add!) and spending hundreds, maybe even thousands on supplements. I even consulted with one of his recommended practitioners for extra guidance through the process. The sum total of my efforts? A ton of weight gained, worsening of my issues, a steep decline into anxiety and depression, inability to work, and a lot of time and money down the drain.I too was brainwashed by this man. I wanted to believe him. I cried to my boyfriend and mom many, many times about not knowing what to believe. It took me a long time to UN-believe everything Anthony told me and start walking down a different path. I'm now seeing a functional medicine doctor and I feel like I'm in the right hands to help me overcome my issues with a balanced approach backed by science, testing, and my own body's wisdom. Every body is different and saying that a high-carb, low-fat diet full of fruit and raw veggies is everyone's answer is dangerous and simply not backed by research. Maybe that diet will work for some, but for others, it won't jive with their body chemistry and could lead to an exacerbation of physical and mental issues.I used to have some online "friends" in the Medical Medium community and I've watched these girls follow Anthony's advice for a few years now. One seems remarkably better, but to be fair, she didn't have very severe issues to begin with. One has made some improvements, but is still really struggling with a lot of issues. Not to mention her eyes look sunken in and her once muscular body is now weak and soft. The last girl never got any better and actually only seemed to get much, much worse. Despite her steady decline, she insisted she was healing and detoxing and refused to give up Anthony's plan. She hasn't posted anything online in months and I have not heard from her. I hope she's okay.It's dangerous for people to blindly follow Anthony's advice. They might forego traditional medical care, insisting that Anthony and his Spirit of the Most High know the truth. This could lead to things being missed that need western medical intervention.Anthony has set up the perfect scam. There is no way disprove or confirm the information he's putting out because nobody else has access to this specialized Spirit 411. He claims that he's years ahead of medical research. How convenient. He has a big, fat disclaimer on his website stating that his information should not take the place of traditional medical advice/diagnosis, to cover himself when people undoubtedly try to sue him for giving them faulty medical information. Additionally, according to AW/Spirit, everything is caused by EBV and Shingles. Fatigue? Oh that's EBV. Nerve pain in your leg? That's shingles, of course. Gaining weight? Well, that's because your liver is sluggish due to EBV. Daddy issues? That's EBV, too (kidding on that last one). Heck, I'm pretty sure I could conduct readings on people and relate all of their symptoms to these viruses.He claims he is the ONLY one who has this information. He claims that the Spirit of the Most High is second to God and only talks to him. When I was in such a desperate, anxious state, I ate up this info from the palm of his hand. Now that I'm making some positive progress with a functional medical doctor, it's like a veil has been lifted and I'm thinking "what the heck? Did I really believe that nonsense?"You might be thinking, "But some people seem to get so much better. How could he be a fake?" Well, in following his advice, a lot of people will cut out dairy, meat, grains, soy, bad oils, corn, etc. and add in an abundance of fresh fruit and veggies. It's not a surprise that people would feel a lot better making these changes. But this is not some new, mind-blowing information. It's simple common sense that's been around since the beginning of time. Eat less crud and more fresh produce and you'll feel a whole lot better. Not rocket science. Some people do really well on a low-fat raw vegan/semi-raw vegan diet. But some don't. Some, really, really don't. Myself included. Some people need more fat, less carbs, and more protein. Believe me, if I could drink delicious fruit smoothies and banana nice cream every day, I freaking would! But sadly, that does not work for my body.At one point, I was listening to all of his radio shows. A couple instances stood out to me. One time a man called in seeking advice. He told Anthony he was following the protocol as directed by Anthony but still having trouble. Anthony said, “Oh, that’s because you need to add in zinc.” The man responded that he was already taking zinc. Anthony was clearly caught off guard and responded by saying, “Oh, well that’s because you’re taking the wrong kind of zinc” and quickly got the man off the phone. In another episode, a distraught mother called in seeking answers about her adult daughter. The mother was nearly in tears and asked Anthony what she could do. Anthony’s response? “Tell your daughter to go watch a sunset.” No info, no diagnosis. Just watch a sunset. The mother kind of stuttered, “Oh, okay” and again she was ushered off the line.Anthony appeared on the TV show Home & Family on the Hallmark Channel awhile ago. He conducted a reading on the female host, waving his arms all around her body. He declared some minor imbalances, but said she was overall very healthy. Well, that same host was diagnosed a few months later with a very serious illness that required medical intervention. Look it up for yourself. If Anthony/Spirit is all-knowing, and according to Anthony, "never wrong," why didn't he pick up on that?I've also read on a few forums/Instagram posts, Facebook posts that the MM Instagram page will block anyone who questions his claims or talks about having a negative experience with his protocols. Ever notice that his Instagram page is suspiciously only positive? No protocol, no matter what it is, has a 100% success rate. It seems like his marketing team is on top of squashing any negative feedback on his social media pages.Lastly, if you type “medical medium petition” into Google, you’ll find a petition to investigate Anthony. You’ll see comments from people who have signed the petition, many of whom included stories about their personal experiences with Anthony or those of a loved one. The stories are heartbreaking. Please read them. If you’ve had a bad experience or simply want more information about this man, I urge you to sign it as well and spread the word. I did not create the petition. I just found it online during my phase of trying to UN-believe Anthony.In my opinion, this man is a very clever fraud with a stellar marketing team. Heck, I just saw him on TV on Extra! He’s getting his name out there, that’s for sure. It’s possible Anthony even believes in his powers himself, and thinks he’s doing good. I don’t doubt that some of his advice could help people, simply because it’s common sense practice for good health. Have a food sensitivity/allergy to gluten or dairy or soy or corn? Take that out and yes, your stomach will feel better, you’ll have more energy, and your skin will probably clear up. I just want people to take this info with a grain of salt. Take away the woo-woo spirit stuff, and really examine if this is right for YOU. I would recommend that anyone see a functional medicine doctor. They work with you using cutting-edge science and research to address the root cause of what ails you.I want to reiterate, I'm not some random person who read the book once and formed an impulse opinion that it was a bunch of crock and came to Amazon to loudly voice my initial impression. I've been down this road. I had a call with Anthony, I diligently followed his protocol, I connected with others on the same path, I listened to all his radio shows that came out at the time, I researched all this A LOT (if you can't tell) and scoured the Internet for anything I could find on him, I read about other people's opinions and experiences (good and bad), and I thought A LOT about all of this and talked with others to come to the personal conclusions that I've divulged here. I'm also not trying to negate anyone else's experiences. If you're doing Anthony's protocol/diet and you're improving/feeling good, then great! Sounds like you found something that works for your body. I suppose I'm putting this out there for everyone else. The ones who have been at this for awhile now, maybe even years, and are not getting better or are even getting worse. Or the ones who are just finding AW and questioning if this is for real or not. I just want to share my experience/findings, so you can look at both sides and make the best decision for your health and well-being.I debated for a long time whether or not to leave a review. I don’t doubt that Anthony’s devoted followers will pick apart this review and come to his defense. I don’t plan on responding to anyone. Not because I think they’re right, but because I want to be done with anything relating to the Medical Medium. I refuse to give this man any more of my precious life energy.If you've read this very lengthy review, thank you for taking the time. I wish you all happiness and health. Onwards and upwards.NOT the right treatment for everyone, can make it worse! My warning story... First off, naturally this book is full of "duh" information- eating well does a body good. You don't need to spend money to know this. This book has some widely research health information, but take everything with a grain of salt when applying it to yourself. I encourage you to not follow blindly. As someone who has eaten well her entire life (I haven't had processed food since I was in my teens, and don't do sugar, only drink water, only eat organic, etc.) and yet still suffers from chronic urogenital pain, I have learned that there is no "one recipe heals all". Health is much more complicated- hence healing is much more complicated; everyone is slightly different and this book and its health prescriptions are absolutely not the be-all-end- all for *everyone*. The gut microbiome is EXTREMELY important. I would never argue that, and I'm very well versed in it after being my own medical research advocate for so many years. And food can definitely be medicine. But I have to share my story because it is not unique, it is valid, and could potentially save someone from wasting their money. After reading this book and following the food and supplement protocol which resulted in an INCREASE in pain and inflammation, I decided to bite the bullet and pay for a phone consultation reading with one of Anthony's "intuitive" trainees that was referred by his own website, because I thought "maybe I'm doing something wrong and I need further individualized guidance" . She charged me over $300 for not even 45 minutes, and gave me literally no new information that I didn't already read from the book. And even when I explained to her I was already doing everything AW suggested, for several months, and the pain was worse, she just said "Oh... well just ad x,y,z supplements". So I did, because I thought "she's the intuitive professional, maybe she knows something I don't". A month later on her protocol and I had never been in more pain in my life.So I quit everything AW and the other "intuitive medical medium" woman were telling me to do, and went back to doing more research. Turns out I had an awful sensitivity to oxalic acid (found in spinach, berries, etc. which of course are the PRIMARY source of nutrients in this healing diet, and I was flooding my body with them every day). Once I cut that out my pain went away. Now, that does not say that I've resolved my underlying problem, but what I'm saying here is that Anthony (and his colleague's) prescription for "how to heal" is NOT the right way for everyone, and can cause more harm than good if your system is operating a certain way. I believe that while we obviously have many similarities, every body system is slightly unique. We all have different root problems and different elements contributing to our health/pain, and sometimes it's dangerous to generalize.My main give-away message I'd like to share here is that I probably spent about $800 on all the supplements and phone consultations suggested by this protocol, and I ended up worse than when I started. If the practitioner I spoke with really was a true intuitive, wouldn't she have picked up my pain was being exacerbated by the oxalic acid? And it's NOT unique- many people with unexplained urogenital chronic pain have issues metabolizing oxalic acid properly, or histamines in food (also found in healthy food). The one thing I've learned over the last 16 years of trying to find answers to what current medical research hasn't caught up to yet, is that if anyone (doctor or not) says "This is the ONLY way, and the RIGHT way, to treat your issue", then you should run for the hills. We are constantly learning more from medicine, and if you are working with a practitioner who sees things as black and white and has no room for exceptions to the known rules, or no interest in exploring outside of the box, you may be doing yourself a disservice.Just my two cents on my experience with this protocol, but it may work wonders for you. Just thought it was important to introduce another side. Regardless, I'm wishing you the best health possible!

Tags: B077H868L9 pdf,Medical Medium pdf,Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal pdf,,Anthony William, Sarah Coomes, Hay House,Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal,Hay House,B077H868L9

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