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Category: Adventure

  • Umair ShamsuddinUmair Shamsuddin
    I enjoy playing this game because it's not your typical movie game where you just play the game and are done with it. It's an experience. This being my first Layton game, I'm surprised that I didn't play this type of game sooner. The characters are likable, the puzzles are tricky, and the story is intriguing. The one thing I really want is more of these games on mobile phone as opposed to 3ds. It's fine on the 3ds but it's just so satisfying to have it on hand. Also, the graphics make the game look better.
  • 76&F 76andF76&F 76andF
    I have loved the Professor Layton series ever since I played my first game of it. This is another beautiful addition to the story. Katrielle, Ernest and Sherl remind that this series isn't over yet and that this new trio works great. So many more mysteries even after finishing the game. Katrielle is a great character and I'm glad my first impression of her didn't turn out to be true. Also the puzzles are fantastically Laytonesque.
  • Ashley LeeAshley Lee
    I've played the Layton series ever since The Curious Village came out on the Nintendo DS, and I can only say that the series is still continuing to excel. Although it is quite expensive compared to other mobile apps, it is absolutely worth every penny. The gameplay, graphics, everything takes me back to the older Layton games, and I love the small references from Layton's previous adventures! It's like playing the exact DS/3DS version without the actual console. Thank you LEVEL-5 for not ending this beautiful series, and I am excited to hear what lies ahead.
  • Tony LynchTony Lynch
    Developers, why are you locking out customers who have rooted phones? What's the purpose of it?! Once again a Nintendo published game has lost a huge customer base for what? Some useful form of security? Is that really worth losing profits over? I'm refunding this immediately. Rooted users beware, Nintendo and Level 5 do not care for your money.
  • Ana Beatriz YomielAna Beatriz Yomiel
    I love the game but I can't bring myself to rate it more than 3 stara due to excessive crashing. Literally every minute or so it crashes and I have to save every time I manage to talk to a character to proceed with the story, it's very frustrating. price wise it isn't so much of a "great deal" either because the game doesn't come complete. There are puzzles in the DLC section that come with the outfits, and total to more than the game itself.
  • FeralixFeralix
    Excellent game! Glad to have this on my phone and I bought all the DLC to show support for the developers. I only have 1 gripe: all links in the game open in Samsung's browser even though it is not the default browser. Will be a flawless game when this is fixed!
  • Lane WhitneyLane Whitney
    It was fun, but it neglected its larger arcing story for small offset mysteries. As a Layton game, it was enjoyable, but it failed to answer the questions it posed, no doubt to set up for the larger Mystery Journey series. Shameless profiteering if you ask me.
  • David CDavid C
    I had to lower my rating from a 5 star to a 3 star because as I continue to play along the actual puzzles are getting weaker and too many of them are just obtouse riddles instead of actual puzzles. I don't mind riddles but the ones so far have had answers that were just to out there even for a Layton game.
  • Jeffrey LagarileJeffrey Lagarile
    Plays just like previous installments with plenty of puzzles and exploration. Complete with full cutscenes and the same gameplay we all know and love. Don't let the fact that it's on mobile deter you; this is a full fledged, full length Layton game and you really can't beat the price considering this is a port of the soon to be released 3DS version! IAP are cosmetic costumes for the main character + a couple puzzles which presumably come with the 3DS version but in total will still cost you less than $40 if you really want it all. Fans and newcomers alike are sure to fall in love with Layton's newest protagonist in another riveting installment!

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