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Category: Board

  • Jamilson PadiernosJamilson Padiernos
    Great adaptation of an engaging card game. The cards look detailed, the campaign is a nice bonus and the pass and play features a clever mechanic. Cards of one player are only revealed to him if the phone is tilted to his direction and if the phone is flat then no cards are revealed at all! I just hope that it can show the total tokens as well.
  • Jason SestaJason Sesta
    Two MAJOR issues. One, please change the font of the points and cards remaining. I seriously can't see thin black on brown. How about white? Two, please allow an option to remove the timer for online games if agreed by the opponent. I just want to play with my wife and have yet to complete a game because i cant deselect something I've accidentally selected to do a different action .
  • Philip WhitePhilip White
    This is a great adaptation of a favorite quick two player game. AI play is satisfying, the campaign option is fun for solo play. Overall the artwork is well done and clean, without bogging down the game. The downside comes from my most anticipated mode: online dual. The makers are going in the right direction by supporting cross platform play, but the only option for play is real time. This means that if myself and a friend aren't in the lobby at the same time, we cannot start a game. Once we do get a game going, if I do something else for more than 30 seconds, I've forfeited the game. Games like Star Realms are a constant on my phone as I can invite an offline friend and play our turns at our own pace (with a 48 hour cut off). All in all this is a great start. Aside from a few random crashes (to be expected with an initial release) , the game runs well and looks great. Just add offline game invite and asynchronous play and this is 5 star material.
  • Hoth PoeHoth Poe
    Great adaptation of the card game. The controls and visuals are very good! Works great online and local. The campaign mode also is very nice with a map and stuff to unlock!!! Very happy that I can now play this game on my tablet.
  • Karl KindtKarl Kindt
    Great tutorial, fun quick-play game, with lush graphics and terrific UI. This is on par with the great version they made of SPLENDOR and of MYSTERIUM.
  • Ken KleinmanKen Kleinman
    Works very well. Main issue is the online game play needs to allow the players to set their time limits. 30 seconds is too quick!
  • DrewDrew
    It's good and has a great implementation, especially for pass abd play, however there are a few issues, firstly it crashed when trying to trade camels, secondly you can't see which tokens you've taken (that I've seen anyway)
  • Ray MulfordRay Mulford
    Stupid account login prevents using password vaults. Can't play
  • Kris BKris B
    Colour me impressed! Very well done, beautiful new art and a great solo campaign mode.. Love it!

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