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Category: Adventure

  • Zackery CostaZackery Costa
    Awesome game anybody who has played ttg knows you have to buy season pass as well to get full game. If you are upset about this save 5 bucks and in a year episode 1 will be free and you can stop crying like a baby about paying for a good game. Make your kids pay for their own stuff enough of this free ride the game
  • Michael InterbartoloMichael Interbartolo
    Lame that the season pass is an in app purchase and not accessible by family library. So I paid $5 for me and the three kids to play episode one but the $14 for episodes 2-5 only apply to my game. Do you really expect me to pay an extra $45 so my three kids can play beyond episode 1 that they can access via family library? If I bought this for the PC for $30 everyone in the house would be able to play but for mobile you want an extra $45 via in app. Why is there not a family library version for the full game. I am all for in app for gold or stuff like that but to unlock the whole game should be buy once for the whole family not buy 4 times. Very disappointed in how you are selling the game you know will have 5 episodes.
  • Nick BrincatNick Brincat
    Hey there TTG I'm a massive fan of your games! However with this game I keep having sound issues whenever I'm playing with earphones (doesn't matter if Bluetooth or plugged in) it always sounds like the sound isn't quite there 24/7 and of course as you know it sucks having to play without headphones when you're on the bus ect. I have a Sony Xperia Z5 premium and it sounds good without headphones. And no my headphones aren't broken tried 3 different sets (2 of which where Bluetooth) listened to music on the phone no issue sth is up with the game.
  • Robert WallaceRobert Wallace
    Telltale your awesome. Been playing your games since The Walking Dead season 1, just wish we didn't have to wait a month or 2 to get the next episode, and I'm sure everyone else agrees with me on this.
  • Trevor FreshourTrevor Freshour
    The gameplay doesn't match the voices, game is buggy throughout, the buttons don't like to press sometimes when trying to make quick decisions which is the most frustrating of it all. Please update soon! - Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
  • Miller LondonMiller London
    Really disappointed trying to play on the new Samsung s8 and it's super glitch and buggy. This makes it unplayble to the point I can't get past the first cut scene. It's a shame really really was looking forward to this game.
  • spoony corlettspoony corlett
    Wow this is one glitchy game, to the point it's hardly playable. Gameplay isn't smooth at all, won't be touching it again until it's been patched
  • Tyler FaulknerTyler Faulkner
    Controls are a little weird when walking but graphics were fine for mobile. Great if your pumped for the new movie. - LG G4
  • byallmeansfilmbyallmeansfilm
    Cant even play properly with my new S8. Lags a lot and glitches

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